A wedding planner or coordinator doesn't need to be young but here in the Philippines it crosses a boundary but respect has to be afforded to the elder wedding planner not because she knows better but the heart is there. She feels the bride's special needs and undenying to say the least.

Wedding coordination is not a play thing or for fun. Oh, yes there's fun doing this because when you help you are happy sharing what you know without keeping what has to be given much and all bridal and how to do list are scrutinized to add more flavor to other activities needs done.

Philippine weddings are most exciting and nobody will just go on marrying to finish it off. Plans are set even budget doesn't permit. Still, the couple-to-be does everything to make their big day wonderful and worth cherishing. That's one of the reasons why wedding coordinators are indispensable. Most of those getting married opt for some help from relatives or immediate members of the family to extend hands and to merit a lesser budget but they often think otherwise. They want them enjoy their special moment. They want everybody comfortable and relaxed during their big celebration. Wedding coordinators come to play.

The doyennes of wedding coordination management are here to stay. They are not only full of ideas but experiences set them apart to contribute to the betterment of the profession. I can say profession because education needs calling. And when you are dedicated doing something special, it turns into a profession.

What are the sacrifices of a Wedding Event Coordinator? There are only two worth mentioning – time and pressures but these are sacrifices that you cannot avoid if truly you want to dedicate yourself in helping others. But as you go along doing weddings, it is something of a panacea. The more you enjoy doing the job, the more fun comes into life.